17 Feb 2014

8 Offences Health You Should Know and Avoid

 Health is not about perfection . The key is balance and each has its own equilibrium . But in any case, try to avoid the following 8 health offense :

1 . Not enough sleep or over !

With busy careers nowadays , especially with the rising cost of living in Malaysia , many do not get enough sleep . Is not it nice to increase the burning of calories ? It is not . While you are awake longer, lifeless body . From there you own lifeless and reduce activity . Even appetite will increase as your body will need to continue activities boost calories . This causes weight gain for those who do not get enough sleep 8 hour .

In addition to increasing their weight, do not practice enough sleep can akitbatkan heart , kecerderaan ( mental negligence ) , depression , and other STES .

No matter kesibukkan career and others, are trying their best to organize and enough time to rest . If not , the victim is not a career yourself . The work -life balance is important.

2 . Avoid breakfast .

I do not understand the logic of practice to avoid eating breakfast . Too busy ? No time ? To cut calories? Do not eat breakfast . You losers later . Breakfast foods important for break- fast and provide nutrition and energy for your activity . Do not wait until the new office they eat . Try to eat as soon as possible to help 1 ) the body's energy supply 2 ) mental fitness level and 3 ) important in regulating appetite. If you wait until the new office to eat, of course appetite was rough. Do not . Eat breakfast as soon as possible .
Skip breakfast to help reduce weight ? In a crowd that managed to lose weight, there is none who avoid breakfast.

3 . Ignore the Weight Training Exercise

Unfortunately in Malaysia , if you mention the weight workout , people often relate it to sports - body building or just for men who want to look mighty . That is wrong. Exercise weights suitable for all , including :

    Arrangements are wanting to lose weight. Why ? Because 1 ) any lack of weight, you will also lose muscle . But weight training important to reduce the amount of muscle lost . 2 ) muscle to raise the body's metabolism .
    Women who want to look fit and firm .
    Seniors to maintain existing muscle , strengthen joints and avoid brittle bones .
    Low back pain ? The only way to solve a problem with lower back pain is with exercise weights help strengthen the muscles .
    Children also practice exercises weight but not at the gym. Exercise in the park weights exercise permainain like but the heavy use of children themselves. It is important to promote growth.

    And others.

4 . Too Much Protein !

Although it is currently in vogue , again with a variety of supplements and protein supplements . Avoid too much protein pemambilan . It can provide high load to the kidneys , gout and others. Please read my blog post titled Top 10 : Good Bad Diet High Protein , Low Carbohydrate .

    ... Do not follow any of the present-day trends , without get more information first ...

So how much protein is right for you ? For me the 35 % of your daily caloric intake . So let's say your target 2000kcal intake , then taking a day you can take 700kcal or 175g ( 1g = 4kcal ) .

5 . Depending on others.

The present age , is full of a variety of products and perkhitaman health . From supplements, dietary supplements, slimming centers , physicians, private jurulathi and kevinzahri.com (hehe ) , it sorts it for your use .

But many who rely solely on third parties to control their own health . In fact, the responsibility of health and fitness should be responsibility themselves , not others. And this is where many are exploited by commercial parties but still no good at controlling health care.

That is why , the focus of eBooks , seminars and my blog is to give control to you . How ? With the knowledge . Finally , do not rely on other people and put to use . Rely on yourself and make commercial products .

6 . Smoking .

In my seminars , I rarely touch the smoking section . Why ? Because all already know about keburukkannya not only for yourself but for the immediate family ( 2nd hand smoke ) .

Annual Medical Examination

This is definitely important , but many consider it trivial or fear reality hapadi health. It's not about BMI, cholesterol or blood sugar alone. This examination is very important for the diagnosis of diseases such as cancer out of control / cancer and many other unwanted problems .

If you can invest hundreds or thousands of Dollars for health supplements, not to mention the health screening for health.

8 . Exercising Days

Perhaps you are surprised with this offense but the offense is a huge health work practice days . Why is that ? Because exercise provides mental and physical burden on the body. If the load or stress is continued every day , say 7x a week , the body no chance to repair themselves . In this case , the probability is high you are injured .
Make sure there is at least weekly rest day 1x and 2x a year long break ( within 1-2 weeks) to allow the body to repair all the wear- n - tear . World athletes like football players already there off season .

Well, I hope that the above tips to your benefit all . Good health is always under the control of yourself

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