FRUITS and herbs are common food sources in the diet. However , not many are aware of the nutrients and medicinal benefits . Functions such plants , particularly in terms of health , treatment and healing are less exposed . Here , explained more about the three types of plants that have medicinal powers .
Star Anise
Known as deaf fruit , flowers star anise or star anise , it is a spice that has a taste like aniseed . Typically , star anise is used as food seasoning spices . Star anise are found in the cuisines of India, Thailand , Vietnam and Indonesia as curry or as a seasoning flavors. In Indonesia in particular , this spice is used in a number of regions that have special features rich spice flavored cuisine . Among the stew Aceh, Padang shady , Javanese and Balinese cuisine .
In addition to providing flavor to food , star anise has a very potent medicinal effects . In general , star anise known as healing agent and inflammatory respiratory infections , flu ( influenza) , swine flu and bird .
In addition, it also can be used as a remedy for indigestion , flatulence , loss of appetite , baby colic , coughs and bronchitis . Star anise is also used orally to increase milk production , menstrual pain , facilitate birth, increase libido and male climacteric symptoms tackle .
In the manufacturing industry , star anise oil is used as a key component in the aroma soaps, cosmetics , perfumes and toothpaste. Star anise is also widely used in the pharmaceutical industry for odor control medications.
The fresh fruit flavor and odor is not an excuse for us to avoid noni fruit .
Also made juice , noni leaf and pulp were found to have various healing benefits . Among them , overcoming high blood pressure, fever , pain and infection.
Noni fruit is a major source of vitamin C , A, B complex , calcium , sulfur , potassium , phosphorus and amino acids such as phenylalanine and tyrosine . Normally , Noni is used as an anti-inflammatory agent to reduce the pain associated with arthritis and joint discomfort .
Noni is the best protection for the kidneys, liver and stomach . It balances the body alkaline . Not only that, Noni also helps the pancreas regulate and stabilize blood sugar levels . It is beneficial for those suffering from diabetes or hypoglycemia.
Taking Noni juice is proven to protect the development of cancer cells as it is well capable of preventing antitumor lesions in the gut , reducing acid in the stomach and increase mucus that protects the stomach lining.
Bendalu or epiphyte is a plant that ride and get food from plants in liveable . It is classified in the species of mistletoe or mistletoe eropaatau hemiparasit a check .
Some research and proven fact , bendalu positive impact on cancer. In Germany for example , cancer patients treated with traditional medicines purported to give bendalu extract that is believed to block and destroy tumor cells thus increasing immunity. However , bendalu plants only found in seasonal cold .
Bendalu effectiveness of treating cancer discovered around 1920 . Germans continued to study and eventually bendalu medicinal support to cancer patients . To this day, the oncologist to use it as the main drug in healing cancer.
Research findings have revealed bendalu substance known as mistellektin lektin . In Germany , the use of mistellektin applied in cancer therapy . In fact, according to statistics, those treated using mistellektin generally indicate better quality of life .
For who are doing chemotherapy treatment , the grant mistellektin reduce the effects of treatment such as nausea, hair loss, dizziness and loss of appetite .
In Southeast Asia , the records show bendalu botanical researcher used in Java since 1968. It is used as a traditional medicine to treat chicken pox and cattle , diarrhea, medicine for hook worms in dogs , tumors and cancer.